Wednesday 31,2002

A wise women once siad:There would be haters,She just said keep doin your thang,not everyone can love you.Its aight I got your back Joel.Damn kids hurt there feelings.So where is jessie camp?News: Benji dated Anthony from RHCP?

 Check out my pics from tonight

Monday 29,2002

Damn Benji lookin like the statue of liberty!What a way to start off the week.News:Quarashi shares underware with GC.Look whos sportin the MADE hoodie

 Check out my pics from tonight

Wednesday 24,2002

Trust Company!! Its been awhile but Benji busted out the elmers glue and spiked is hair.Did he look more sad than usual to anyone else?.Dont forget to get yourself some GC merch..its up to us to keep those guys goin.Keep postin on the MTV post

 Check out my pics from tonight

Tuesday 23,2002

We have all officaly been invited to shop for shoes with Benji!!Its so much fun to watch those boy sit and make fun of eachother. Klepto_Kristi go girl.One of our old school buddys from the board got her post read.Keep on postin people

 Check out my pics from tonight

Thursday 18,2002

NEW FOUND GLORY!! To those that missed the show you missed out on the awesome NFG.Benji was sportin some of the new merch.So are we ganna get to see more GC footage on this show are what?

 Check out my pics from tonight

Wednesday 17,2002

Joel is just full of usefull info tonight.By the way nice socks...really to me thats one of the things that makes him most attractive.Hes aight in my book.Keep posting on the mtv boards,lucky gc55 had his post read on the air today.It could be you!

 Check out my pics from tonight

Tuesday 16,2002

Back to the tour bus today.Benji is such a good sport...we all love nickleback too benji wink* wink* Im happy to see Joel in the spotlight more.He looks like he is finally getting comfy with the cams in his face.Cant wait to see Paul and Billy

 Check out my pics from tonight

Wednesday 11,2002

Tonight the guys hosted ATR from the Desert of the Warped.Damn those guys are awesome arnt they.Well not alot happend benji saved the day when he turned the attn from Britney onto something alittle more intreseting..what wouldnt be?Poor Joel the things they make him talk about,Its ok Joel we still now what your all about.

 Check out my pics from tonight

Tuesday the 10, 2002

These two guys made lots of the chicks in the crowed happy tonight.After a couple of segs from the front of the tour bus they showed us the back. Thats right girls if you didnt see this one you missed out.How sweet of them to show us such a personal spot.Damn I wanna a closer look.

 Check out my pics from tonight

July 3,2002

Damn Benji let Joel talk.I think Joel trys to read the cards but Benji just doesnt give a damn.What a pair.Once again those guys are awesome.

 Check out my pics from tonight